Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Event with the President, Tobaski and Saying Goodbye

It's been an insane last couple months, which, among other things, included a celebration at the President's residence for Peace Corps' 50th Anniversary, Tobaski (one of the biggest Muslim holidays) and wrapping up our service. That's right, believe it or not, our time here is coming to a close. Peace Corps came to pick us up from our site on Monday, and now we will be hanging out in the capital for two weeks or so before flying to Asia. But I'm getting ahead of myself. Here are the pics:

Peace Corps/US Embassy motorcade heading into the president's residence

Welcoming band

Walking in


What's a Gambian program without a good dance party?

Gambian soldiers presenting the flags (Gambian, American, and Peace Corps)

Hanging up the flags

Yes, that's me shaking hands with His Excellency himself!

Some of the boys showing off their fancy outfits the President gave them

Transition to Tobaski in our village. Our village and the neighboring village gathering on the traditional prayer grounds.

Getting ready to butcher one of the many rams that were sacrificed. Not for the faint of heart.

Aminata making ebey


Everyone wants to get in on the butchering action

Cucheng and her friends/sisters

Amie and SeedyFo looking fly

Mmmm...organ stew

Transition to Jacob's going-away party at the Community Health Nursing school. Some of the girl students making wonjo (bissap) juice.

Female staff members cooking



Soma Major Health Center staff waiting by the road to greet the President as he came by on his election tour. Green is the President's color and the neem leaves are often used to show support for him.

He's coming!

Fatou braiding my hair one last time :-/

My going-away party at the Health Center

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