Thursday, October 27, 2011

HIV Bike Trek (minus the bikes)

Some of you may remember that around this time last year I was a part of a week-long HIV Education Bike trek at several upper basic schools (middle schools). I was more involved with planning and securing funding for this year's trek, which focused on different regions than last year and had a higher level of involvement of local students and teachers. The other main difference this year was that we decided to spend more time at fewer schools to really make sure the students understood what we were teaching them and gained the skills to speak out and share what they learned with their friends and families. Unfortunately, due to schedule conflicts, we ended up having to condense the trek (and drop the biking!!), but, as a group, we still ended up teaching a total of more than 600 students at four schools in two regions and got to spend two full days with each group of students. I was on the team that taught at Bansang Upper Basic in Central River Region South. This project was dreamed up by a few members of our 2010-2012 group, but we had a lot of newer volunteers involved this year, so we're optimistic that there will be another trek next year that is even better!

Meeting with our team to go over the curriculum the day before we started teaching

Kim running through a rehearsal lesson

Steph, Cat and Johanna making teaching materials from rice bags

Introducing ourselves at a student assembly

Fern leading the students in a game

Fern and Mama, one of our student health educators, drawing a diagram to show what how HIV affects the body

Students performing an HIV drama

Awesome geli we saw in the park while waiting for to start the car park drama after the first day's lessons

Kelsey and one of the students killing time waiting for the drama to start

Shake your booootay...

Car park drama #1

Car park drama #2

Jen playing HIV hangman with our kids on day 2 of teaching. They loved it!

Basiru, our other student health educator, helping clarify a concept for the class.

Bansang team at the closing ceremony in Basse

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