Our garden after planting - four beds on the left with some shade from two mango trees and a hole for a banana tree and a compost hole on the left. We planted carrots, lettuce, sugar snap peas, edamame, collards, tomatoes, three different kinds of basil, cilantro, and acorn squash.
Preparing for the rice bag running race at the interhouse track/field meet in Kaiaf. You can't see in this picture, but the bag on the far right has the World Food Programme logo on it. Somehow I doubt this is what they intended when they said people should try to reuse the rice bags :-)
Preparing for the bucket balance race...certainly not something you would see at home
And they're off! The second girl from the right just got disqualified for touching her bucket with her hand.
There were more traditional running races too. This was the 100m. Great to see girls competing!
Action shot
Adorable little girl who hung out with us for a while at a naming ceremony in Soma
Nursing students singing at a farewell program for the volunteer we're replacing
The volunteer we're replacing accepting a gift from the first year nursing students
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