Moroccan dinner to welcome the new VSO volunteers in Soma
The hot and sweaty group (typical gambian photography skills at work here)
Second attempt at french toast, this time with strawberry apricot "compote" - delicious!
Current picture of our garden, which is doing surprisingly well, despite the intense heat, complete lack of rain, termite infestation, and goat invasion...
Happy acorn squash (well, two of the four are happy at least)
Close up
Basil and one lonely little tomato in the top middle of the screen. We planted a second round of basil and tomatoes a couple weeks ago but they couldn't take the sun/heat. We're trying starting more basil in seed boxes in our back yard, which we can transplant into this bed later - hopefully that will work better.
Two plantings of edamame (the ones in the right-hand row were planted over a month ago but had to recover from a goat invasion).
Look, they even have little pods!
Slightly blurry banana tree. It looks a bit sickly, but 1) it looks better than it has looked since we planted it over a month ago, and 2) everyone here says that's how they're supposed to look and not to worry.
Funky tan lines
In case there is any doubt that I've been wearing my wedding band...
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