Monday, April 26, 2010

Project Plan (Written April 26)

I know everyone is curious about what work we will be doing for the next two years so I wanted to take the chance to outline my current project plan. This can, and I am almost positive, will change over the remainder of our service but here is my current thought...

I believe a lot of a country's potential to develop is linked to its human capital. I plan to do a little bit to try and improve the human capital of Gambians living near Soma. I want to focus on two paths - first, improving the quality and quantity of skills training centers and second, increasing the likelihood that students will graduate from senior secondary school (the Gambian equivalent of high school).

There is one skill center in Soma that is a model skill center for others to follow. They offer courses on basic computer skills, tailoring, secretarial skills, tie dye, and auto mechanics. They are currently receiving some outside financial support but are working to become financially self-sufficient. I will work with them to help maximize the number of courses they can teach with their existing facilities and to help them become financially self-sufficient.

There is another skill center in a neighboring village that has excellent facilities but does not take advantage of the space. I want to work with a local Gambian NGO to improve the capacity and efficiency of this skill center.

To increase the likelihood that students graduate from senior secondary school I would like to form several clubs (e.x. homework clubs, current events clubs, etc.). Essentially anything to increase students interest in education and make learning a more enjoyable experience.

That is all for now but I am sure I will have changes to post later.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

FYI, it seems there has been a bit of confusion surrounding this post. Just so everyone is clear, this is Jacob's plan, and only Jacob's. I will post mine in the next few weeks.